Saturday, April 30, 2016

Indian education system missing Higher-Order Thinking Skills(HOTS)

Throughout ancient India, teachers have been respected a lot. Some of the teachers have produced some great students. According to me a teacher

  • Builds self awareness, unleashes inner potential and gives contents of things when it is right
  • Should have Right intent compared to right content
  • Has the ability to create "creators" and "destroyers"
But our education system has not been built upon this lineage to build great institutes.

During one of the training programs i was introduced to the concept of LOTS (least order thinking skills) and HOTS. The concepts of the study were interesting.  It is during the discussion, i realized that baring very few institutes most Indian institutes lack HOTS

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Lot of our education system rarely focus on

  • Dismantling the a problems into parts - Analysis
  • Build a new output from different types in inputs - Synthesis
  • Check different ideas & solutions and then compare - Evaluate
Check more about the blooms taxonomy here ?

Do you agree about the role of teacher?
Do you agree that our education system lacks HOTS?